Gifted to Evangelize

© Photo by Whitney Darling

This gift can easily be misconstrued as Christians trying to push their beliefs on others; Even the word evangelism can turn people away instantly. But, when you look past the human error and focus on the definition of the word itself, it is a powerful and life-giving gift. Evangelism is sharing God’s story and love with others. Whether that be with your closest friends or with those outside of our immediate circles. It is scary because we are stepping out of our comfort zone, at times crossing lines that others may not want to cross, and attempting to connect with people. Many people can see this gift as aggressive or intrusive, but it requires humility and letting go of pride to share your deepest beliefs even though you may be rejected or persecuted for them. There is not just one clear way to share your gift and it can pop up in unexpected moments. But, when we do step out in love and put it all on the line, God can be present in the vulnerability and through this, he allows us to take part in changing the lives of people around us.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

Matthew 28:19, ESV

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