If you knew that there was just “one thing” you could do that would impact everything else in your life and bring about the greatest blessing, would you do it?

Each of us have an abundance of decisions filled with opportunities and challenges. Some decisions can lead to accomplishment and triumph, while others can usher in unexpected and disheartening setbacks and detours.

It can be overwhelming to navigate through the roadmaps offered by self-help resources, motivational targets, self-proclaimed experts, and varying world-views. We desire to do what is “best” and whatever leads to a depth of truth and authenticity. It can be so daunting, that we can end up settling for what’s the most expedient or the current trend, never finding a clear pathway or place to rest and experience true joy.

Where does one begin, especially if you’re a Christian believing that God has called you by name, who revealed His love for you through His son Jesus Christ, and who placed in your heart a desire to live as His representative here on earth?

In my work as a speech and language pathologist with preschool children on the autism spectrum, I am charged with the responsibility to develop treatment plans for my students to meet their individual communication needs. I am constantly asking myself what will be the best treatment approach for this particular student. It is important that what I chose will bring forth the greatest benefit and change for each child, while maximizing the time and resources I have available.

Time is just too precious a commodity to waste.

In the field of autism therapy there are a variety of practices for professionals to incorporate into a therapeutic program for their students. One that works well focuses on single “pivotal” behaviors that can produce gains in a child’s communication and behavior skills. While there is no cure for autism, the philosophy of this therapeutic intervention is that by focusing on one critical area of engagement, broad improvements can occur across other areas such as sociability, communication, behavior and academic skill building.  The premise of this intervention is that if I work with a child to focus on a “pivotal” skill…(this “one thing”), other areas will be impacted, bringing a broader and more significant change into the child’s life.

How liberating!

There is nothing more precious than those “moments of joy” with my students and their families as they begin to experience real life changes and they are able to celebrate their accomplishments.

I believe there is a biblical truth associated with this “one thing” focus which brings breakthroughs. 

This approach for autism speaks so deeply to my desires as a therapist, but also as a Christian. In essence, if I focus on “one thing,” other areas will also be impacted.

This is a beautiful reflection of the freedom and promise which we are offered as Christians when we too focus on just “one thing.” Jesus taught…

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

What a foundational biblical truth!

If I focus on this “one thing”, God will bring forth His purposes, provision, resolution, restoration, relationships, and peace into other areas of my life.

But what is this “one thing”?

We get a glimpse of it from the story of Mary and Martha in the Gospel of Luke, where Jesus said…

“One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.” Luke 10:42

What essential thing did Mary chose?

She chose to be in the presence of Jesus.

One thing have I desired of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple.
Psalm 27:4 

What is the essential “one thing” for you?

Are you worried or anxious? Where are your eyes focused? What is your heart’s desire?

This Christmas turn your eyes toward this glorious “one thing”…

Seek first His Kingdom….A kingdom born in a manger.

And His Righteousness…a love poured out on a cross.

….and all these things will be added unto you.

Seek first Christ and “all” the needs vital for your human heart will be met…suffering relieved, efforts magnified, favor extended, desires fulfilled, a journey redirected, fears and anxiety replaced with hope, peace, and faith.

  • Take time to listen
  • Take time to pause
  • Take time to breathe
  • Take time to be in His presence
  • Take time with Emmanuel….here to dwell…God with us.

Read RHONNI GREIG’s other Fruitful Stories, CLICK HERE

RHONNI GRIEG has worn many hats in her lifetime with careers as a speech and language pathologist in both medical and academic settings, a building project manager, interior creative designer and the executive director of an international non-profit ministry. But the most treasured hat she wears is that of the wife to Bill Greig III and the mother to their three children. Rhonni has taught women’s Bible studies and Sunday School classes as well as lectured on the subjects of children’s speech and language development, the Importance of mentoring the next generation and Living a Life of Legacy. Her teaching and prayer ministry has opened opportunities to minister and teach not only in the United States, but also in Romania, China, Mexico, and South Korea. Currently, Rhonni works as a speech and language pathologist in a public school for special needs students in Southern California.




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