With a twinkle in his eye, my precious little newborn boy lets out the most delightful coo, his gaze fixed upon me.MillerLight-41

I echo back his sound and his whole face bursts into a smile. He is clearly quite proud of himself for holding such a prestigious conversation.

I thought being a new mom would help me to see Jesus’ mother Mary’s point of view in a new way, but as I gaze into the eyes of my ever curious two month old, I can’t help but find myself enamored by Mary’s baby Messiah.

The heavenly plan unfolds and before we know it, the teenaged Mary is holding the Savior of the world in her arms and gazing into his eyes as he lets out his first coo.

I think all of us as new parents are filled with a million questions about what our baby is thinking, how much he understands and who he will grow up to be.

How much more so would you wonder if you were looking into the eyes of the Incarnate Son of God?

It leaves me with endless questions for the baby Messiah…

Did You Know you were the Savior of the world before you could even speak?”

Did You Know you created everything around you before you could even walk?

If you were just like every human baby, how did you learn you were God Almighty?

And If you did realize you were God from the moment you were born, how did you play the part of a baby?

The more I tend to my son’s every need and recognize how truly helpless he is without me, the more baffled I am that the creator of the universe allowed himself to be just like that; in need, vulnerable, messy, and helpless.

I can’t wrap my mind around a God who allowed his diaper to be changed by a teenage girl, and who needed help to get a burp out, and who learned how to say his first word after countless months of studying and practicing the sounds he was hearing.

But I’m so thankful I can’t wrap my mind around God, because it means there is always something new to learn.

If there is one thing I think all of us could use this Christmas, it’s a fresh sense of wonder.

What if we began to ask more questions?

What if we allowed ourselves to be enamored with a Creator who allowed Himself to become part of His creation?

What if we took some time to step into the story, gaze into the eyes of our newborn Savior and ponder some “Jesus did you know” questions?

I don’t think we will be disappointed if we do.

We may just find ourselves even more in awe of our great and humble Savior.

On that Holy Night…

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. 
And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 
Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 
For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 
And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, 
goodwill toward men!”


Read Britney Christian Miller’s other Fruitful Stories, CLICK HERE

Watch Britney’s Christmas worship music videos O Holy NightO Come O Come EmmanuelHeavenly Hosts and to receive two free Christmas worship song downloads, CLICK HERE

To learn more about Britney’s music CLICK HERE or stream on Spotify

BRITNEY CHRISTIAN MILLER is a singer, songwriter, worship leader and blogger from southern California. Her greatest passion is bringing hope to those who have no hope and working with young girls who are victims of human trafficking. She thrives on using music and writing to bring the message of truth to those who don’t know it and inspiring those who do to live out their faith in powerful ways. Her music, which speaks of finding light in the midst of darkness and keeping faith, has been featured on major television shows and can be heard on  Spotify,  YouTube,  iTunes,  Facebook  and  her  Website.



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