I once heard that “Friends know the songs in our hearts and will sing them back to us when we’ve forgotten the words.”

In this day and age when we can’t believe all we hear and read, and when other’s agendas often lead us into uncertainty or fear, it is the true friend that can sing back to us honestly, authentically, and purely about who we are, speaking hope to our hearts, and reminding us of our value and purpose.

True friends know the lyrics and melodies of our “heart language.”

Isn’t that what God did for us when He sent His son Jesus to our world?  God loved us so much that he wanted to speak our “heart language” in order for us to know and experience His love and joy in personal and authentic ways through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

No matter where God has placed you in this world, He comes and sings over you in the language only your heart can hear.

The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

What song is the Lord singing over you today?

If you can’t hear it, stop what you’re doing, pause, and just take time to listen.  Can you hear the foundation of a melody? If it’s from God, it will be a song of delight, protection, remembrance, salvation, acceptance, promise, hope, and love.

The air of the melody you hear may be embroidered on a tapestry of a memory when you felt so deeply loved and cared for that a sense of peace fills you and reminds you that “all is well,” it may be a recollection of a Bible verse that God has engraved in your heart that speaks of a forever love and freedom from judgement or fear, or it may be a worship song you lean into that causes you to close your eyes, stretch out your arms and proclaim, “Amen, Amen!”

I have always been inspired by these words of Nelson Mandela, “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

As a speech and language pathologist working with nonverbal to minimally verbal children, I keep a visual reminder of what I’m truly called to do on behalf of my precious students.  It’s a plaque given to me by one of my interns with my personal motto: “Everyone deserves a voice and I will do everything I can to give each child the voice they deserve.” 

I have discovered that when I unearth my student’s individual and unique heart language, that I’ve been given a treasured key that unlocks a place where “joy” is unleashed.

That’s what God does for us.  He sees us and already knows the language of our heart and the lyrics we need to hear again that will unlock the place where “joy” is found.

So whatever the melody and lyrics God is singing over you, they are only for you. Personal….intimate…kind.

Allow God to sing over you today. 

God will speak to the depths of your soul and encourage you to face the fears, disappointments, lies and challenges of your day and transform your inner voice to sing of courage and confidence…reminding you that He is with you and His plans for your life has always been and will forever be for “good.”

  • Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lord Forever. Psalm 23:6
  • And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

What song is on your friend’s playlist that they need to hear again? Lyrics that speak of hope, restoration, belonging, and belief.

In a world that has become focused on “canceling” out those who think, look, or act differently, God is calling us to sing, connect, and engage, as we speak for the voiceless, stand with the abandoned, fight for the unborn, dream with the disheartened, comfort those who mourn, and love others unconditionally.

As we make it our aim to love as He loves, the natural expression of this love is to show others their beauty, worth and value, and that they are not alone.

Listen to the music and lyrics God is singing over you today….. and then sing!

Sing loudly, sing boldly, sing without fear.


Read  RHONNI GRIEG’S other Fruitful StoriesCLICK HERE

RHONNI GRIEG has worn many hats in her lifetime with careers as a speech and language pathologist in both medical and academic settings, a building project manager, interior creative designer and the executive director of an international non-profit ministry. But the most treasured hat she wears is that of the wife to Bill Greig III and the mother to their three children, Bill IV, Taylor and David, and the mother-in-love to her daughter-in-law Melissa. Rhonni has taught women’s Bible studies and Sunday School classes as well as lectured on the subjects of children’s speech and language development, the Importance of mentoring the next generation and Living a Life of Legacy. Her teaching and prayer ministry has opened opportunities to minister and teach not only in the United States, but also in Romania, China, Mexico, and South Korea. Currently, Rhonni works as a speech and language pathologist in a public school for special needs students in Southern California.




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