My hand was strumming with vigorous intensity, my voice resounding with a passionate plea to experience God, that familiar feeling came over me that God was truly doing something…

I might have been able to convince myself that it was a normal gathering of my church if I never opened my eyes.

But these past months of worship have been far from normal.

A full building is replaced by a tripod.

The people who used to join in with me are now sitting behind screens in their pajamas, hopefully worshiping along with me.

It would be impossible to deny that the way we worship in this current season of Covid-19 is entirely different than any other season before it. At least if we consider worship to be only that one scenario; all of us, side by side in a room, singing along with someone leading.

That is typically what we think of when we hear the word worship, isn’t it?

As a worship leader, I feel like I’m guilty of perpetuating that idea when I start a service by saying “Let’s enter in to a time of worship.”

What is worship really?

In Romans 12:1, Paul lays down a definition for us…

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.

If offering our bodies as a living sacrifice is true worship, how do we do that? What does it mean to be a living sacrifice?

I love how this same verse is presented in The Message Bible

So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.

Is it possible then, that we can worship God by helping our kids with math problems, calling someone who has been on our mind, introducing ourselves to a neighbor, preparing family meals or even being humble enough to accept help that we have never needed before?

As I think about worship and faithfulness during this entirely new season, I believe worship is simply this…

Be faithful to do whatever God has put before you.

What God has put before you in this unique season may feel grand and important, or it might feel entirely insignificant to you. But it’s not your job to judge how important it is, it’s simply your job to be faithful to do it.

If we can be faithful to do whatever God has put before us, we may just enter into a time of worship and never leave… wouldn’t that be something?



Britney is posting a weekly worship devotional video on her YouTube channel to help us all think through what true worship looks like in this unique season. You are invited to watch and subscribe, CLICK HERE

Read Britney Christian Miller’s other Fruitful Stories, CLICK HERE

Watch Britney’s music video, Far From Forgotten, shot in Latvia while she and her husband Jonny served as YWAM missionaries, CLICK HERE

To learn more about Britney’s music CLICK HERE or stream on Spotify by searching “Britney Christian”

BRITNEY CHRISTIAN MILLER is a singer, songwriter, worship leader and blogger from southern California. Her greatest passion is bringing hope to those who have no hope and working with young girls who are victims of human trafficking. She thrives on using music and writing to bring the message of truth to those who don’t know it and inspiring those who do to live out their faith in powerful ways. Her music, which speaks of finding light in the midst of darkness and keeping faith, has been featured on major television shows and can be heard on Spotify, YouTube and iTunes. CLICK HERE to visit Britney’s website and to watch her latest music videos and to learn more.



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